Mega Asuransi Maksima Solusi (MAMS)

Mega Asuransi Maksima Solusi is an endowment insurance product issued by PT PFI Mega Life Insurance which provide protection to the insured in the event of death as well as cash payment benefit to meet your various future needs, which will be paid on a predetermined schedule.

Product Benefit

  • Scheduled benefit of cash payment

These benefits will be paid whether the Insured is alive or has passed away, and scheduled benefit of cash payment will be scheduled in 5 (five) stages while the Policy is active, in accordance with the payment scheme as regulated in the Policy.

  • Death Benefits

a. If the insured deceases due to non-accident reason within the coverage period, sum assured payable is equal to 200% of the accumulated (basic) premium paid. 

b. If the insured deceases due to an accident reason within the coverage period, sum assured payable is equal to 400% of the accumulated (basic) premium paid.

c. If death occurred within premium payment term, then after death benefit payment and the policy will remain active remaining premium will be waived,  and 100% of the scheduled benefit of cash payment will be paid on a predetermined period.

Product Benefit

Terms & Conditions

Entry Age

Policyholder: 18 - 85 years old (age of nearest birthday)

Insured : 18 - 55 years old (age of nearest birthday)


Premium Payment

Monthly & Annually


Indonesian Rupiah

Marketed Through


Coverage Period

15 - 20 years


Product Summary - Mega Asuransi Maksima Solusi
Product Brochure - Mega Asuransi Maksima Solusi

SUBMISSION FORM FOR mega asuransi maksima solusi (mams)

09.00 - 13.00 13.00 - 17.00 17.00 - 21.00

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Terms & Conditions

I give consent and authorize PFI Mega Life to use my personal data for administrative purposes, and services associated with the offering of this product/program and or other products/programs from PFI Mega Life Insurance.